Built for field sales and technician professionals

Let AI voice simplify your
complex workflows

note taking

Automatically take notes while you are speaking with prospects or clients face to face. Save time with summaries, share recording snippets and ask your notes questions!


Paiv collects data across your organization so you can ask any question and get the help you need. Ask about specific deals or jobs or ask for reports or training for a job.

Knowledge center

Upload your training material into Paiv so that your sales and technician teams can get help on the go without calling the back office. Between this material and what Paiv learns from conversation and performance data, any question can get answered with Paiv.


In addition to manually creating tasks, create tasks with voice or AI suggested tasks. Paiv knows what a good day looks like and can help managers or teammates stay on top of their priorities.

simplify scheduling

Automatically schedule appointments with AI voice. Paiv can identify scheduling conversations and act as your scheduling assistant.


Because Paiv tracks your performance across the entire account life cycle, Paiv is able to answer questions and offer suggestions to coach you through any stage.

Increase Performance by 40% and Save up to 50% on Inefficient Processes

Why paiv is the best ai voice tool

Rather than training our model on single conversations, we train our model on your full end to end process. We understand your customer through lead generated all the way to several years of service calls. Not only does Paiv know your customer, but it optimizes your workflows to be your assistant in the field.



ALL IN ONE performance suite for FIELD SALES TEAMS.